June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3479) [HILL lo AUSTIN)

New Orleans, 20th June 1836

To Genl. Austin, Dear Sir

l have been daily expecting since my arrivnl in New Orleans, to receive from New York, some specific instructions in regard to a loan, proposed by lhe company of patriotic merchants in thal city, to the governme!ll of Texas, al my instigation. after you had left New York. I came round by cincinnati lo arrange some contingencies thereto, and upon the receipt of a letter from me, they were to send me specific propositions and instructions. Not having received said propositions and instructions, I am al a loss how to act. I am extremely anxious lo be the instrument of extending lo the Texian government any facilities in my power, or that of my friends, towards the · accomplishment of its independence. I must believe that these instructions will reach me, in twenty four or forty eight hours from this date an.cl if so, I will hasten with them lo the seat of Government. If they do not reach me please lo submit lo your Government, on what terms they will be willing lo take a loan of half a million dollars and wrile to my address at New York, lo the care of Mills & Co. and efficient measures will be promplly ndoptecl to secure the loan-Should my instructions not arrive in a short while, I shall return as expeditiously to New York as possible and must request that this letter may begin the correspondence. I have embarked my whole soul in the cause of Texas and am resolved that no efforts of mine, humble though they be, shall ever be wanting Lo lend her a helping hand- Very respectfully I am, dear sir, Your most obt serl Wm. P. Hill To Genl. Stephen F Austin {3480] [LARNE to MORGAN] lJ- C. Larne, Galveston, lo James .Morgan, June 20, 1836, staling that there is strong Lalk in the army of tarring and feathering the president. J


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