officers, and their pay and bounty, if non-commissioned or privates. Do11c at Velasco, th 20th day of June, 1836. David G. Burnet, President A Somerville, Secretary of War. (34781 [HALL Lo BURNET)
New Orleans June 20, 1836
President Burnet Dear Sir
By the Scho. Halcyon just arrived from Matamoras we learn, from two passengers (corroborate by a number of private letters) that the Mexican Army, not only carried off and destroyed, all the properly in their way, but drove off 5000 head of calllc, and when they came into Matamoras presented one of the most miserable spectacles, of half starved, half clothed creatures, they ever beheld. These gentlemen, also stale, that previous to hearing of the defeat of Santana, some Rancharos, had murdered James Heferin his wife and 5 children, John Heferin his Brother & John Ryan all of Sanpatrucio. They say that while Santana was victorious, these Mexicans commilled all sorts of depredations, but after his defeat, they sneaked into Town like thieves & murderers, and swore they would never enter Texas again. Private lelters also state, that the Government intend to raise a force of 15000 men, but the writer says they could not raise them, with 15 millions of DolJars, for the officers & men also have had enough of Texas and will be glad to keep away from it. You will see by the papers I send, all the news. If any more men, arms, ammunitions (provisions 1 know) are wanted send us the means and you shall not want long I have the honor to be your obt. ServL Edward HaU The United States Sloop of War Warren, went to Tampico lo demand satisfaction for insults lo the Aemrican citizens & Flag but no communications were allowd except through the Commandant who opeu all letters lo & from the American Consul. The Sloop of War has since left there for the United States lo represent this affair to the Govcrnrncnl. The result can be gi.1css~d. E. U.
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