words may deceive for a lime, l.Jltl right actions carry incfu talJle convictio11 lo the mind. Jt is hoped that no fugitives will henceforth be f Ol\nd in Texas. A salutary experience is before us; be admonished 1,y ils precepts, iind let us realize that "the best security for families is to be found in a gallant bearing before the enemy." The army is the best buckler of defense that we can fling around our wives and children. But that army must be strengthened and increased. The citizen soldiers of Texas must take the field EN MASSE; the emergency demands it. Let us do away and obliterate the unkind reproach, that the citizens of Texas have abandoned the defense of their counlry, lo the chivalry of those generous spirits who have volunteered in her cause. The contest is for life, liberl y, and Independence. Let every man do his duty, and the glorious prize will be gloriously won. Therefore, 1, David G. Burnet, President of the Republic of Texas, by and with the advice and consent of the Cabinet have ordered and decreed, and do hereby order and decree, that every able-bodied man in Texas, being over the age of sixteen ancl under that of fifty years, do forthwith report himself to the proper muster officer of his respective Municipality, and enroll himself for military duty; and that so soon as a company of 56 men shall be enrolled in any Municipality, they shall proceed to an election of their several officers, and shall forthwith march to head-quarters, first reporting their organization and a complete company, to the muster officer of the Municipality. And it is further ordered and decreed, that the muster officer, in each Municipality, shall make out a full list of the names and ages of every male citizen in his Municipality, whether absent or present a certified copy of which list shall be transmitted to the War Department. And he shalJ also keep a Jjgt of every man within his Municipality, who enrolls himself for military duty, a copy of which record shall be forwarded to the Department of War, al the end of every month from the promulgation of this decree. He shall also send to the same Department copies of Lhe several company rolls returned to him. lt is further ordered and decreed, that all officers, non-commissioned officers and privates, belonging to the Texian army, who may be absent on furlough or .otherwise, do immediately repair to their respective posts, and report themselves for duty, on pain of forfeiting their commissions, if commissioned
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