to enal,lc Commodore Hawkins lo finish the repairs and equipment of his vessel and of lhe Liberty, that they may speedily come lo our aid. Texas never required the prompt and efficient action of hM friends and the friends of human liberty, more than al this moment. Your zeal as heretofore manifested is a sure guarantee lhal you will not be backward now.
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Your Obt Servant David G. Burnet
The enemy are again preparing lo invade our soil. Intent on vengeance for their defeat, they have rallied another horde of servile miscreants, and hope lo accomplish, by their hasty levies, a conquest which the utmost exertions and deliberate preparations of their favorite chieftain has failed lo effect. Urrea, the cold-blooded, heartless murderer of the gallant Fannin and his noble band, leads the returning vandal host, and threatens to exterminate all free-horn Texians. Again, fellow-citizens, you are called upon lo rally to the standard of your country, lo sustain the Independence you have solemnly pronounced, and to preserve your homes, your domestic altars and your sacred liberty from pollution and enthrallment. The approaching army threatens to be more formidable than that which you so lately and so gloriously vanquished on the plains of San Jacinto. But, Texians! what you have done once, you can do again. It is the peculiar properly of true courage, to rise in dignity and in spirit, as the pressure of adverse circumstances increases; to brighten in cheerfulness and resolution, as the storm lowers and gathers darkness. Let us exemplify, as a people, this glorious property of the highest military attribute. Let every citizen of Texas repair with alacrity Lo his post. It is the sacred duty of every man who calls Texas his home and who claims a proprietary interest in her soilt to sl:mcl forth in her defense, in this hour of her peril. Lot no man prove recreant. The trail vf REAL patriotism is al hand. Action, prompt, energetic action, is the besl evidence of a patriot's zeal. Noisy and blustering
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