June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

1:H76) 1 IHIH NET to TOl3\' I

Ex<'l'lltiw Oeparlnwnl Vda$1:o J1111e 20th 18::l6

To Thoma:: TolJ\ E:-q. Tc.xai: .-\gent ~kw Orl1•,111:: Sir

J Ja~t rvening ri•cei\'t•d intelligence lhal the Mexicans were adrnnl'ing 11po11 us again with incre,1sccl numbers and doubtless im·n·ased fun·. A cnll, t·n nrn:'5t', is macle upon the Citizens and l persume ,fr slrnll, in ii ft-w weeks, have a consi<lcral>le army in the field. That Army musl b1· fl·d and dothed, a11d they must have arms and ammunition. W1'. louk lo you and lo the gratuitous libcrnlily of our friends in lhc Unill'd Stales, for succor in this matter. You arc co11sil11ted the sole Agent for disposing of scripl for lancl in Texa5 and you are hereby aulhorised and requested forthwith to clisposr of enough script to produce the nett amount of two hundred thous.ind dollars, which sum is lo be appropriated lo the future supply of our Army. \\'hilt· on the suhjecl of suppli1~s, J must remark that our h1t1• Agent, has on more than one occasion, sent us damaged and very indifferent Powder, Some or it really loo worthlc~ and inefficient ot br. used in ordinary salules. I do nol inLend lo impute any purposed error lo ~Ir. Bryan in this respect; for such an error, towards a people circumstances as we are, would be a species of wholesale murder, which ought not to be lightly altrihutcd tv any man. We are struggling against fearful odds, for life 1111'1 liberty, and lo supply us with inferior and inefficient powder, is lo dr:slroy holh. On such a subject, inadvertence is without cxc:usc:-d1:sign would lie infamous. In 11d1lition to the amount heretofore expressed, you will dispose of enough scripl lo salisf y the demands of Messrs ,1tKinncy & Willimns on this Gc,vcrnmc:nt, for which the late Agrnt. William Bryan. hc1s lwc:omc in any wise responsible; laking «::ir1• 1101 audil<:cl by the (;overnnwnl, and an order for final adjust m1·11t lw iss111!1I. Tlw !;crvic·1:s of our littll'. Navy ari: all important al this j111wl11n·, a11d I pra) you will ri·11rlc-r c:vC'.ry fa1;ilily in your pow1:r

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