June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

134741 lllllH NF,T lo IIALL I

Ex,·,·u I iw D1•parl nwnl Vt•l.1~,·o ~0th Jum· 1836

To Janw:: Mall E::11, Dear Sir

Your ldlt·r of 14th in$lant i$ r1•c1• i\'t>d. l11 rqlly I would rt'Iilark. lhal llw appoinlnwnl of a Di:=tril'l Judg1•, fur the District of BrilZU$. nrcr~arily :"11p1·rced1•d all the ~lunkipal Judges hert'lofor<'. Conslitul<'d within that 0istrid. which com'.spunds lo tht• Ot•p,irlnwnt of the Brazo:,:. Your ~lunicipalily is within its limit$ and co1m·qt1<·n tl y your Judici,11 funl'tions must cease. Tlw appoi11tm1·nl$ made by the Cuvernrncnls, ha,·e not h1·1·11 p11blish1·cl as woulrl ha\'t' been correct, for the reason that we haw hacl no proof. Tlw appointment of a District Judge, in this District, was unnvoidalbc. inasmuch ;is we had no Court having t\'lerilimc juri:;fliction , and it was 11ot in the power of lh,i Governmr.nt lo cunfrr such jurisclic-tion on the 1m111icipal Courts. In rrlution to lhl' appointment of Notary and Recorder. I would oh:;ervr that appoinlnwnts of that description will be omitted until a full organization of the Government lakes place, which will lw f'ffrct<',1 soon aft<'r the mcP.ling of Congrt>ss. At the prcsrnl. lhf'r1· is a prospect of having, cnoug:h lo do in the fide! lo employ all hands. In haslr.

Your must Ohl Servant David C Burm:l



Ex1·1;11tivt> drpartmcnl Vda!ico Jun<· 20th I0:36

To Col. Junu::- \lorgan Sir ,

I hm·c· rc·ad your late lcl11•rs with sunw surpris,:. In relation lo Capt. Wm. P. Harris I Know thal lw c:amc lwrc· "-1(;. rqm:sc:11tcd IIH' Sl1•am lioat Cay11~a as lwi11~ much in wanl of rc\pairs 1 a fad I li,111 lward lwl'on·. I If' Stated that alHHII 200$ worth ol' makrial would lw n·quin:d from ~c·w Orlca11s.-tlwl Ill' wa111t:d lo go lo


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