June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

l' $tall':- w:-.--d:- ~·111 lht•rt• hacl been rdu~-d t:nlnlllt:ti into llw port, am\ tlwre lTt'WS on landing ha<l bct'n impri~ont•cl, the consul not allow1•1l to t·on,·t>r~c with the conunanders unless in the presence of tlw Gt•1wn1 I, ancl also thal it was the inkntion of the ~lcxicnns lo St.'11<1 il na\'al exprdition to N(iw Orleans lo punish the agents of Tn:m, for <'quipping: llll'll of war & sending our expeditions against .\Jrxil'o. wr will gi,·t• in our next particulars, the news is quite amusmg- [3472) l BURNET to BROWN]

Velasco June 20th, 1836

To Jrremiah Brown, Esq. Com. of Schooner Invincible Sir:

We havt' just heard that the Mexicans are returning upon us. It is said that an armament is fitting out at Veracruz-Our gallant little navy must be on the alert. You will please sail for this place: where more extended instructions will be furnished you.

Your obedient servant, David G. Burnet



Executive Department, Velasco June 20, 1836

To the Honorahle Peter W. Grayson and James Collinsworth Gentlemen We last evening received intelligence that a large Mexican force was on the march to Texas. Four thousand men had left ~latamoros, and Felisola's division, 5000 strong, had been ordered to countermarch and re-enter the lately evacuated territory. This news, as you \\~II readily conce-ive, has thrown us into a lilll1! confusion. But we are doing what we can to meet the storm. A 1:all, en massc, is made upon th«~ people. How far it will hr. oh1:y1:tl is a littlt: equivocal. I trust 1:nough will fed and obey the impuli;r: of self-preservation to enahlc us lo meet the enemy


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