June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[347ll lBRYAl\ tu BURNETJ Agency of Texas New Orleans J 11nc 20th IB36

To Mis Ex. D. G. Rurncl Prcsidc11l &c Sir

The dday of the Union enables us lo send lo the Executive the import.ml information from Mexico, named in the paper enclosed in this, that a large force is immccliately to advance 011 Texas, supposed 15000 men. We have no doubt lhal the advance will lake place but the resources of Mexico will 11ol allow them lo send inlo the field over half Lhe number named. Still the utmost exertions will be necessary on your part. Success is certain if the Texians do not allow themselves lo be cul up in out posts. In the alarm that will cerluinly follow this communication, your Excellency will sec the absolute necessity of instantly devising means to place this agency in· funds that they may forward the necessary supplies lo mcel this alarming crisis. On the completion of the Loan of Col Triplett, or the acceptation of the confidential communication of June 6th rests the success of Texas. Should the Executive extend to mt! that proteclion which I flatter myself, my past exerlions deserve, no effort in the power of human exertion. shall be wnating to meet every demand thal the war may re9uire. I have on receipt or the news orcl~recl an extra number of men on the public vessels here, and will despatd1 them imrnedialely to receive your orders. Means must be instantly provided. With scrip in the hands of the agency tu the amount of its responsibilities, the public confidence in your agency. txcuse evt:11 this slight allusion to myself. JL is my duly lo point out what the wc~lfare of the country requires. My :t<:al huwc:ver will be pardoned, when you reflect Lhat my past exertions have surpassc1l that of any other individual, and that if Texas should fall, I musl fall with her. I am now making even under Lhc~circumstances which the Government has placed me large advances lo equip Vessels & forward men and provisions. I have Liu: honour lo l,c &c: Youn; Rc•~pc•ct fully Wm Brya1\ A~1·11t for Texas P. S. We have Lhis moment rec'd advices from T.1111pi1·0 that the

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