June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

to 1lii-p1111tlit1µ :ippe,il~ Go,I k11 0 \\' :> w(~ arc ill p1·1·pan~d but we :ire ::.trnll)! i11 tlw .iw-1 iec· of our l:,111~1· ii i~ a q11l'i-:I inn of slan~ry or dtiat h whi,·h i~ 1101 aq1ll'sl ion al thi~ day to he flc•li.11t-d Id T1·xas do lwr duty a111I without lmaslinµ upon llw o,w sidl' or dispairing upon till~ otlwr kn\'(' llw cons,~q11cnc1· to God and lo Poskrily both will do us j11:-li1·1· you will at once S<'C the necessity of placing every ship we haw i11to ;wtiw service ;1nd also of placing al th,~ disposition of the ,umy somt· one or two of oul hest steam ho.its men of confidence shouhl h1• dispatched through the country aml also lo the United States to raise men and brin~ them f orl hwit h to tlw army martial law ought to ht" put in force nnrl every coward who has been eating up our prmisions and attempts to run off ought lo be shot. The Cnbim~t hav<· much to do and J trust nothing will bl' left undone let um situation excite us one and all to firmness energy decision and action Y om obedient servant Thomas J. Rusk I Endorsed:] To A. Somerville Secy War

[3470) [SOMERVELL to PEHRY j

QL\inlana 19th June 1836

Dt•ar Fri«>n<l

Yours by Luciana was duly received we have no news the Cabinet h;1v1: nol yet mel for want of a quorum, Mr. Hardiman has arri\'c<l and ~Ir. Jack is hourly expected I will keep you regularly advised of all our proceedings, I havt bu L a shirt & pr. draws dirl Y do not think il worth while lo send them H Austin's Spanish books are at your house you will please Send them to me as I intend laking lessons from ~Ir. Gritton who has kindly offered to teach m;: please send them by first opportunity. I would have detained Lucian.t as I very much need his !it:rviccs hut though Sam would want him to assist on the roads, when you send again I wish to detain him.

Sincerely Your Friend A Somervell

l Ac.l<.lr,:lise<l: I "r. James F. Perry P,!ach Poinl Texas

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