[34691 I l{l.SK Lo SOM Ell VI Lt.I!: I
Mead Q11art1~rs Victoria 19th J 11111i IH:1(>
Dc,ir Sir
Nu important nmvs has n:aclwd me since I hdorn communi- ca~cd with the Cabim:t I have been 1:vcr since tmga~cd in clcarin~ tlus part of th,~ Country so us to make it the sc<irw or action if possible liu'l al l1~asl lo prevent anything rnmaining here for the use of tlw cnc:my .ill the cattle as fas as prntticahlc .ire being driven back I have issued orders to all the Families Mexicans and till to fall back al 011cc and clear the Country I have much difficulty in cffecti11g these objects form lite fact that my forco has be(ln reduced to a mere pickt!t guard without one attempt so far as I know on the p,ut or the Cahi,wt lo i11cn:asc it I should certainly feel less on this subject has I not in every communication warned urged begged and plead with them Lo cncrcasc the Army. Scarcely one lellcr has been written hy me but what I have pressed this subject upon them I use 1ht!Se rnmarks not because I have any unking foclings towards any of them nor hccausc I wish to lay sins to thi(! door 1 give them credit for bdng honestly mistaken in the character of our enemy and if is nut a matter of very great astonishment thal Liu~ Cabinet should foll into this mistake when all mosl all the people and particularly our greatest mt'.11 have~ been also involved in Lhc same mistake and the only reason why I allude to it at all is with the hope that il may produce lht'. clesir('.d t:ffcct of avoiding these wretched mistakes in future and waking them up to such a view that is physical force not u11c moment of time is tu he lost on land or sea the time ror n1:gotiation is ended and we musl now one and all act and ad together quiet case and enjoyment must now he for~otlcn the polih~ Suativi1y of action suited lo the drawing room must h1! laid asid1~ and the sound and smoke or a camp substituted for it mf'n provisions guns munitions of war ~~c must he the only subjects now lho11~hl of for at least a Season. I trnsl 1111: Cabinet will take it inlo tlwir !wads to c·ornluct the military op<:rntions of the C.011rrtry place men and nwans al lht' commmnl ur llws,: sclc!ctcd for th.it 1,>1trpoiw whl'rc th1· r1•spomiibili- ty r(!Rts there also ought to l,c plac<'d the 1111·a11:- of 11wdi11~ ii. Our true silualion should lui made known in tlw U11it1·d Slates hy a hold .irtcl nrnnly sta l1 ~m1·11I uf fads wilhoul clt-:-1-e11di11~
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