At lea:-l :-«.'\I'll Thot1:-a111l of tlw c111·111y an· rapid!~ a<ha1ll'illl! 011 me, a111l I haH· not four l11111dn·d affrt'liw nwn and 1warly all of th1•m from tlw l 1 ni!l•d ~l.ilt•:-. how will this look 011 tlw pa~c•s uf hi:-tury, for llw pl'opl1· of T1·xas whu lalks so loud about lrnl.t>prmlrncc• c·om1111•rin~ \lt'xico. Only eomc uul lo (ht~ ficlcl :md you .-hall now have a fair l'ha,wc al lh<':-t• ~lcxican Solclirr~ who wrre never again lo c.ros., llw Hiu Grandl·. 1 :irn \\'ilh g:r(>al rcsprd your Ohcclicnl Servant
Thomas J. Rusk Brig. Genl. Cumg.
~- 529. E. S. La superior nota de V.E. de 8 dcl prest:nk me impo,;e de habcr dispucsto el E.S. Presidente into no pennila yo pasen de csla ci11dad ningun Gm!, Gefe, Oficial ni Soldado <[UC proceda dcl Ejercilo de operaciones sobre Tcjas antes si Jos haga regrcsar a d cualquiera cuaJguiera que sea el objeto con que vengan, contraycn- dose esta prcvcncion parlicularmlc. al Sor. Gral. Dn. Joaquin Ramires )' Sesma, cuya superior prevencion sera cumplida en los mismos termiJ1os que V.E. se ha servido comunicarmclo, a quien lengo el honor de decirlo en conlestacion. Dios y L. S. Luis Potosi Junio 19. de 836.
Felipe Codallos
E.S. Srio. de GuC'rra y Marina.
(3468} [ELLIS to HOUSTON)
[Samuel Ellis, A!?'ency Office, New Orleans, to Sam Houston. June 19, 1836, reporting on the attempted release of Santa Anna, and staling: "Zavala was Lo accompany him as l\finister, Santa Anna's word & ho11011r! being pledged on his arrival in Mexico to sign a Treaty forced upon him al Velasr.o on terms similar lo those proposed by you. Comr. Hawkins was lo carry him, his answer ,_vas, '] would sooner l,low up my Ship tJ.· Crew' for which the Cabmct theatcne,1 to court martial him... :• Also commcntin:,?: on the various loans authorized hy the T1!xas Govmnmenl, cspceially that granted to Thomas Toby to sdl !i00,000 acrc·s, stating: "Tlw conscqucn<;<: is, the mark<·l is flood<~d with La11d." Also slati11:.r that "Genl. A11::;ti11 l<·fl yesterday for Valusco, his in fh1c :11 c(·! may slop tlH· impending ruin of all our hopes... ,"I
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