[3291] [DR YANT Lo AUSTIN]
Lexington June 5 1836
Dear Sir,
I take the liberty of addressing you by the bearer Col. Edward J. Wilson the commander or the Kentucky volunleers from Lexington, and the northern counties or Kentucky, who with his command will leave for Texas this evening l\·Iany or the volunteers have already left for Louisville and from what I can judge of them from their appearance, and an acquaintance with some of them, I can assure you that you will find Col Wilson, his officers, and men a most valuable acquisition to your army; and in the event of peace, citizens that will be equally useful in civil employments. The Executive committee of arrangements for Texas, in Lexington, at an expense of several thousand dollars, have fitted out Col Wilson's regiment, and they feel a deep in tercst in their welfare. As one of this committee, I deisire you, therefore, on their arrival in Texas, to use your personal exertions in their behalf. They embarked in the cause of Texas during the g]oomiest period of its affairs, under feelings of the strongest excitement and sympathy in behalf of the struggling patriots of that country, and they go there now, with a firm determination to risk their lives-their aJl, in establishing its independence. I am very respectfully Your Obedl Servt Edwin Bryant Gen. S. F. Austin
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