(34661 IRUSK lo RACUET ET /\LI
llc:ad Quarters Vicloriu I Blh June I B~6
To i\11,~ssrs
Herry Rai,'l1cl-John K Allen John S. Rolicts & through
lhcm lo the cilizcns or Eastern Texas Gcnllcman
Enclosed you have a copy of a communication from your townsman-who is the saned charnclcr or a commissioner under the articles or an ammisticc uctw1!cn lhc cabinet ,incl Santa Anna duly ratified and agree lu hy Gcnl Filisola lite commander in chcif of tlw Mexican army al Lhc lim1~is now hascly and dishonorably for the McxicHns detained a prisoner iu Matamoras a11d will probably follow the footsteps of the G:tllanl r◄'a11nin and perhaps be fore you receive this some more or your Townsmen who have clone their duly will have follow on your frontier and have left their wives and children lo the cold charil-y of anunfeeling world. I have done my duly lo you and lo the. country. I have warn you of your silul'llion. I have called on you hy every f ecling which should influence Lhc patriot. I have ordered ordered drafts and ordered men lo Lhe field. Where are they·~ not here not where duty & honor calls when will they be hr:rc? arc questions which if not soon answered will stamp that &~clion of the country a reputation which I shall be unwilling for the attachment I feel for them to sec them wear. You have now lillle lime lo ddibcrale. Tc~xas must be in arms nnd lhal inslantanio11sly or she is again ovc~rrun. I say lht~sc things nol in u11kind11c~ss for the men [ am adcln~ssing have loo many evidenc~s of a contrary character, lo believe l could cnlc:rlain anyfeeling of unkindness; but one thin?: I will say that he Lhal clairns a r1:Hling place for the sole of his fool in Texas. musl now fight for it l.o the knil'c and llu~knife lo lhi: 1md or al once al,andon ii lo tho~~ who will. Bdor1i we wt~n· fighting Santa A1111a and his parli1~s now llw whole nation. Tlwn· mollo is ''Mexico to lhc Sahi1111 or 1h·alh" down with your 1:avilling al,oul Prcsid1:11l, Gcnrnb. t~ lho~· lilllqwtly disli111'lio11s which amo1111I lo nothin~ shoulder your rilks and show your:-:l'lvc·s and ,di frccnw11 and warriors.
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