r,nilP1\ Stah':: :1:: far a:-: the· N,·dw:: I lrn::l 110 matt uf sensl' thi11ks of 1hat il i:: t'al.H·iou:-: 11111I l)p:,:iclt•:- it i:: t·owarcll) Dr Ca111cro11 i:: wi th 111<' I ::tarlt•d him on a ~li::::ion lo thl' Mcxit·nn Army lw got ahuul Sixty mib: anti whl'n lw lwartl tlw 11t•w:,: ht• put l,;u:k lik1: tlil' driving uf khu "furrou::h··· 1.)111 thl'::l' arl' nut thin~:: lo make" juke of the Dr ~,·ill hi· a 11::d;d in Camp j11::t coll1•ct u f<'w choict\ friends drink a ., 00 tl lwall h lo nw ;anti all h:11111:: coml' 0 11 I hor::w fool a11cl d rnggou11s Gt•nl Gaim•:,: will tak,· t·un· ur till' Jrnlians for you 1 havt' wrillt'n him fully on that suhj1:cl I am ::o t'rl'ljllt·ntly i11tcrr11ptccl J shall cut shorl this· Espi~tk
Truly Your friend Thomas J Rusk
( Addrcssrd: I ~lajor John K. Allen Nacogdoches Texas
13465) (RUSK to GAINES]
Head Quarters Tcxian Army Guadalupe Victoria 18th June 1836
~lajor Gcnl E P Gaines
The undersigned Brig Gcnl Com1r the Texian Army availing thc assitan<:c of a friendly ncighhor in case of necessity so far as that neighbor was authorized by lh1: rules or War or lhc usages and customs of nations asks for a ,fife and their intrusling Children resident in Nacogdoches such kind offices of assistance as may he in Ccnl Caines power lo bestow in casr. they from apprchcndct.! dangt:r shall bt; un<lcr the necessity of r,·movi11g to or b('yond the Sahirw for Safely. The ,·ncmy lo the 11umh1:r of seven Thousand an: advancing upon m1: rapidly my fore<' aliuul four hundrc:d l,ut ('Xpccting ri•inforc:1:nwnls in a few d.lys The ~lcxi<:an mollo is cxlcrmination lo thr: Sal,i1u: or d1:ath Ours LiL,:rt) or D1·ulh hi1mdf of the generous offer made of 0
\\ ith brrL·at H.cspt·d your obidic:nl Servant Tho J. Rusk
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