1:11111pda11l lo lak1• llw comnHIIHI ut' llw ra11 g1:rs you will cunfrr a favor 011 1111· hy l!ivi111! thl' co111rna111I lo me· I 1hi11k I 1·a11 fi11d !Im l111lia11s a11d liri11~ th,·m lo halllc whii-h hm, rnrcly l1cc11 th1; case in all llw t·a111pail!11~ Ilia! has lw1:11 111ad1• a~ai11st llwm Please if you should lhi11k prop,~r ln order a draft lc·t it !Jc for three months sc•rvic c• a11<I if the public has lo furnish lhcm with either guns or horsc·s ii coirn:s oul of lhcir wages. If yo11 should think proper to nrrlc:r an (!mpowc·r a man lo press hors1:s for llw rangers that have none & an· 1101 ,d,lc lo purchase if you would entrust me with that power I think I could give gcncrnl satisfaction lo the owners of any property tlwl I woul<l get for llw us,: and L1!t1Cfit of the country and not abuse llw power r nlruslccl lo me. Any order you may think proper lu send me hy the bearer will b<- promptly attended lo either lo march lo head ttuartcrs or on a trip of ranging and hope you will excuse my present delay in not going immeclialcly to head quarters as lhc fate of my i_:olony in a greal measure depends on my presence here an<l the stale of my health has been bad I was much troubled wilh the Rlwumalism whilst 011 nt San Augustine hut I am al present much lwtlcr of them and hope in a few days to be entirely rdievPd
Your obedie11l & humble Servant Sterling C. Robertson
[Endorsed: I
Too much faded lo make out Sterling C Robertson 18th June 1836 To Gen Rusk
(3464) [ RUSK lo ALLEN I
Head Quartc·rs Victoria 18th Ju111• l836
D~ar Allen
I sc'.nd you some news which if l was a yankcw I would gtH-' '-S would Strike you like: a clap of 'l'h1111d1:r in a c:btr Sky I would nlso J!lll'f'S lhal some of the wisn folks tlwrt• will rccnillt-d haek wlu:n I have: 1111h1:cdcd w.mu:d Lhclll of their :,;illrntion l'm infornw<I tlrnt somt~ folk!> in that i-ct; tion talk grav••ly of llw prot.-dio11 of the
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