June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

kaw for their flipport and eoml'orl a111I :-lays at home lo hide his work hor:;c:,: and hi:,: g11n which he migh1 leave for the defense of his family. I hope my drar sir you will 11ol think that l wish lu dictate lo you but there i:,: nothing would quialc the minds and allay the f<'ar:,: of the pcopk 011 every road leading WP.St than an order from the propt' r clrpartmcnl pulling a slop lo all such proceedings tlwre has hrcn many instanrcs wl11°rc the.re has Leen helpless fimaly di:0mo11ntcd on llw public highway and their horses taken from them and road off leaving them a foot in the road also men coming from the Unilc-d Stales as volunteers and their horses failing and they preparing to walk to the army and leave his horse to recuil untilc he return:: and the first man that passes the road and has not as good a horse he presses him and cc1rrics him off the latter case occurecl a::i J camt• on from Nacogdoches at least 1 was lol<l so by one of the men that was in company. J was requested by i\lajr Smith to say to you that he would be glad to receive i11strudions from you soon tu proceed and what lo do relative lo the Mexicans about Nacogdoches as he had no instructions from you whether he should draft them or nol he thinks he can get 100 or 150 volunteers amongst them lo range ,lgainst the Indians and wishes inf orrnation on that subject which J will forward to him if you should think proper to write Some part of his family was very sick when 1 left Nacogdoches which prevented him from going on with the company from that place I enclose his letter to you also one other I got 011 lhe road which I was informed was intended for you but who wrote it 1 cannol tell. If you can spare the company from San Augustine 011l of the service against the mexicans and order Lhem out as rangers you would do a great kindness to the unfortunate settlers of this country all of which have promising crops of corn which they have deserted but wou<ll yet complete them if they had some assistance from you which J hop1~ you will cxknd towards them. J started yesterday an express lo Gcnl Gaines with some depositions proving Llrnl the Caddo l111Jia11s were in company with some of the Mexican Indians and wen~ f or~mosl in Lhc attack and were rr.cogniz.c<l whilst in fight and altack on the houses as 1 was informed and believe lhal he Mts sent lo the Sabine lo Keep the L' nitf'tl Stales Indians in check the Caddcws have been i,, company al all the attacks macl1: in this colony and I think the proof suffit:ii:111 lc, convince him of Llwir guilt. Be so goorl as lo ordt:r a <lraft in this Colony for tlwir are ,natty that will nut m;sisl in a11y way ll'hat1:vcr .ts th<')' &. thc~ir families ari: safe and if there is any law to pres..-; let some rna11 111? co1111n issionc d Lhal will not ahus1: the pow1·r l!ivr:n him. If you should think your humlil!: servant


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