June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

hi:,: :-rrip) wilhcln·w 3000 1lnllar::; pre\'iuu~I~ put i11lo t\lr Bryan\; harul:,: for llw Go\'ernnwnt:,.; use•, ancl :,:aid, he would have 11olhing mor{' lo do with tht• h11:,:i11t•1'-: and left llw City. In this :;tall' of affair:;, I could see no good reason why the ,.\.,rm:v as made bY i\k:;sr:::. Austi11. Archer and Wharton, should c- • • nol rrsume ii duties. I therfore re:;11mmed mine, nnrl published the notice pre\'iously given by !\lcssrs. Grayson and Colling::;worth, :rnd 1 sig111·d it '"Tl'xas Agency"'. which 1 considered not in any way <•xc1•edi11g my powers. pnrlirularly al'ter Col. Triplt"Lt harl dedined ading and '1r. Bryan Lieing: dismissed. The publication \\' ilS only responding lo lhe one given by ~Tessrs Grayson & Collingsworth lhe clay previous. I leave it lo yon, lo judge whether I was justified in doing i l, being called on evL'ry da~ 0 to furnish arms, provisions and conveyance for volunteers at this lime. You have-trouble enough at home, without listening to other: I therefore will only say, that if you will write me explicitly on this subject saying who is and who is not Agents. 1 will govern myself accordingly-unbiassed and uninfluenced by any one.

The newspapers, I have sent To the President, will give you what's hapning•

I have the Honor to be Your Obidienl Servant Edward Hall

[3462) [RAGUET to -----J

[Henry Raguel, Natchitoches, lo -----, June 18, 1836, about the movement of General Gaines and praying that Texas "shall be attached to the U. Stales" immediately.] [3463) [ROBERTSON to RUSK]

Nashville Robertson Colony 18th June 1836

Gent 1'. J. Rusk Dear Sir.

Agrc:ealJlc lo your ur<lr.r I procePdcd tu Nacogdochcs and San Augustine and mtufo cvc:ry exertion in my power lo raise volunlct;rs I succcc<lcd in gelling a few but Majr Smith ordered a draft which made a fow more: volunl<~ers that would not have come


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