June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

accounls and rorward the amount in Scripl or otherwise, sufficienl, l'o cover all responsihililies both lncliviclual & government, and lht:n any appoinlmenl of agcucy they choo~ lo make will (if it should be consislant with interests of my adopted country) meet wilh my approhalion & support. The Volunlccrs on board the Sanjacinlu was scnl hy this agent'.y and l have never discouraged or prevented inoncinslancea good man from going to Texas, and even some bad ones when the Country required, I have sent. I now say to all, that I think will make good Citizens, go lo Texas & contribute towards establishing good society as it is lo be my future home, and as Temperance is my motto I pray to God that it may be established as the Foundation on which Texas will build its future hopes as it is the only one which can save her I have the honor lo he Your Obt Servt Edward Hall Mr. Borden has just arrived from Cincinnalli with a press; Type &c &c. and no time will be lost in getting clown and at work l 3461) [HALL to JACK}

New Orleans June l81h 1836

To Hon Wm. H. Jack Secy. of Stale Dear Sir

Col. Robert Triplelles appointment (as general Agent of the Government of Texas) of course superceeded all other Genl. Agents, and my appointment, as purchasing Agent having been confirmed by Col. T. J. of course, continued lo acl as such. Until Col. Triplett arrives. . When, he made the following arrangements, Mr. Ellis he appointed his secretary, with a salary of 1200 dolls per annum, and thinking there could be no objection lo Mr. Bryan, I surrendered my appointmc11l, as pcrchasing Agent lo him; since which however your notice to Mr. Bryan was received, whether intended to remove him 1:nlirdy from the Age1wy or not, I cannot determine. If it docs, my appoinlm<\lll would of cuunm continur. Col Triplcll 011 hearing of tlw authority givt:n lo Mr Toby l(.• sdl 300,000 acres of Laucl, (thing prohahly it would re<Juirt'. the i-alc of


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