June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

gall.ml grl'y:-) in per:aon and prt'l"<'11li11g IIH.'111 lo Lhe Co11vc11tion th<'n in :,:e::::ion in Sa11filip1•. I wal" hii,d1ly co111plinw11led, and 11nnwrritedly. pre::,·ntt'tl wilh a Lq!uc of L,111tl, 1 w.1s then 1·o mmi:::,:io 11('tl lo rqrnir lo thi:: city lo ol>tain arms. ammt1nilio11 , &c for the ::ervi1·1•. Shortly nrtl'r, i\ll's.Srl" Austin Archer & Wharton came a:: 1·0111111h::-1io11t·rs and appoinkrl Wm Bryan Genl Agent, and my:wlf purl'ha::ing ag<'nl for the GovC'rt111lc11t, and these Commissiom·r:' 111ad1.• a Loan ol' 250.000 dollars, 70,000 of which, tlwy recd in t',1sh 0111 of "hich clevrn thousand was paid lo Col. Ho11slon, lh<'n quarll'r master General, 4000 or 5000 Jno A. Wh:irton Adjutant Grnl 4000 lo Captain Allen, and some lo Capt Hawkins, tlw clisposition of these various amounts, l suppose have been ::atisf:lctorily accounted for, Lcing purchasing agcnl l look the liberty lo say lo Capt Hawkins & Capl Allen that the greatest rt·u11omy was 1wc1·ssary in all the expenditures of the Government, Capt Hawkins replyd that he would have what I-le wanted for his ws~cl & looked lo higher authority than the agents. Captain Allen s.,id hr had a hundred men and wishd me Lo charter a vessel and provide provisions &c immediately, the situation of the country rrquircd men and I got a vessel at a very high price (Scho Equity) ready lo receive Capt Allen & his men. 4 or 5 clays passel & no 100 men with Capt Allen appcarcd 1 J then wen l to Capl Allen & lolcl hirn that as he appeard Lo have no men he had heller let me give up the charter of this vessel &. he take passage in the Pennsylvania then ready to go. he replyd l will go in Lhe vessel (Lhe Equity) or 110111' & if I cannot get tlw mr:n, 1 will go alone and exhonaroarale ycm from all l,lanH! 1 lo the Guvernmcnl, whal excuse Capt Allen C\'l'r made lo the Government I have never learned but I wash rny hands from all blame in this affair a number of other things have occurcd during our agency that an Explanation from me 1 am sure would satisfy every candid man, of the consislancy of my course. On hearing lhal the Enemy were approaching the Brasos River I got a vessel put on l,oard the: 2 pieces of cannon used wt Battle of Sa11ja1:inlo ancl with twenty on,~ men jumpd on hoard the Pc:nnsy lvania an<l in 8 days aft1:r pres<!t1l<'d myself to you, and Lhe Cabincl al l-larrisl,urg, nnd this timely aid, and I feel a prid~, almoi,l t:LJLrnl lo being one of that glorious Ballle, tltaL I accompu11i1:cl the 2 )!;Uns & some fine frllows that contril,ut1~d :,;o much lo ac:c:omplish thal glorious victory-All I .ask, now, is, Lhal the Govcmmcnl take a ,:andid view of this suhjecl and audiL my


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