June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

In the fir~t and 1hird modes 1h,: concum:nc,: uf tlw St:nal1i, in its 1:xc:c11ti\'I' characlc-r, would he necessary; and, in the second, in its kl,!i~hrt iv c churackr. Th,: Senate nlonc, without the co-operation of sume ullu:r branch of the Government, is not competent lo recognise the exislcncc· of any PO\vCr. The Prcsid,~nt of lhl' United States, by lhe constilulion, has the charge of their foreign intercourse. Regularly, he 011gb L lo take tlw initiative i11 the acknowledgment of the indcpcn<lcm:c of any nc·w Power. Bu I , in this ease, he has not yet done it, for reasons which he, without doubt, deems sufficient. If, in any instance, the Prt-si<lcnt should be 1arc.ly, lw may Lie quickened in the exercise of his power by the expression of tlu: opinion, or by other acts, of one or both brnnchcs of Congrnss, as was done in relation to thr. republics formed out of Spanish America. But the committee <lo not think that, on this occasion, any tardiness is justly imputable lo the Executive. About three months 011ly have elapsed since the cstablishm<'nt of an imkpcndcnt GovP.rnmcnt in Texas; and it is not unreasonable to wait a short time to see what its opnation will bc;- ancl especially whether it will afford thos<i guaranlcrs which foreign Powers have a right lo expect, before they institute relations with it. Taking this view of the whole matter, the committee conclude by recommending tu the Senate the adoption of the following r1!solution: /fosolved, That the independence of Texas ought to be acknowl1·dgcd hy the United Stales whenever satisfactory informa- tion shall be received that it has in successful operation a civil Govcrnm<mt, capahk of performing the duties and fulfilling the ohligalions of an independent Power. (34601 lHALL Lo HARDEM /\NJ

New Orleans June 18, 18;36

Hon Bail1~y 1-1.lnkman Dear Sir

When I last vi~itcd you, the Country was in :-o sad 11 situation, Lhat ~cir prcscrvalion, ::c1~mcrl the only t·arc·. hut now as solwr reason assumes its rdgn an exami1wlion will h1• 1•nlnd into. of .111 lhal has transpired, mul among ollwr affair:-: lilt' lr:111:,;a..tion:-: of the Agcm:y, my first career in the ciau:-w of Tn.as wa:-: rnisin~ men in the 1:ily & accompanying 6S (thceVl'r lo lw n·nH•mlu•n •tl

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