June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


Head Quarters Victoria

Army Orders 17 J II ne 1836 The Enemy are advancing upon our frontier in larue numbers. All organized forces in the Country and all persons in furlough Me ordered forthwith lo repair lo head quarters. Those appointed for that purpose in lhe different munici- palities or counties will immediately draft and Order lo Head Quarters all the militia under the laws of Lhe late Convention.

Thos. J. Rusk Orig. Genl. Comdt.

[3457] [AYERS lo BURNET]

Hon D. C. BurneL Dr. Sir

I expect lo start this day for my residence at Montville 30

miles west of Washington.

I consider the present time requires that every Citizen of Texas uniles Lo sustain our civil Authorities & to rally to Lhc defence of our counlry. ll is my opinion that the hardest battle is yet to Le fought & unless the whole of Texas turn out & meet the c11emy on the Guadeloupe or the West side of lhe Colorado We shall all have lo remove again with our families. The Munil:ipaliLy of Washington is very badly supplied wilh provisions. I am unable on account of my he:1lth to turn oul and perform the duties of a common Soldier by I wish to be in the service of my country if there is any post of any kind that my health will permit me lo rill. l hereby offer you my services lo assist in sustaining our government & in defending our country. l am affraicl that unless we all acl unitedly promptly & forthwith all will be losL

Your Tmly David Ayers

Brazoria .I u ne 18 1836


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