[3455) [RUSK to SOMERVELL]
I-lead Quarters Victoria 17th June 1836
To the Secretary of War
Sir you have enclosed the commissions of Major Miller and Captain Carnes & Teal you have also enclosed the translation of a publication made at .Mattamoras on the eighth of June these documents have this moment been boughl in by Major Powell who had advanced far towards Mallamoras four days ago the Mexican left Mattamuras on their march this way Filisola wilh his command lrnd been ordered lo turn back these reports speak for themselves and confirm all I havewarned the Cabriel and people lo prepare for I shall make no appeals but will endeavor ·as• here- tofore to discharge my duty all the Steam Boats lhere.musl be pressed into Service and sent round to me al Coxes point wilh all troops that can be raised. Where are 01,1r Militia where are the troops that are now in Service and where ought they be all questions upon which the argument is exhausted my force here is under four hundred men much exhausted by fatigue and Service Let our navy do its duty as I have no doubt it will and send me at once all the troops that can possibly he dispatched from Velasco and Galveston Island. J trnst all will do their duly a heavy responsibility rests upon every man who holds office in Texas. I desire the Cabinet would communicate with me frequently I am out of good horses, I can not sendexpresses with any thing like dispatch. I have the honor to be with greatrespect Your Obidienl Servant Thomas J. Rusk General Santa Anna and his officel"s should be closely guarded. T J Rusk [Addressed:] To Hon. A. Somerville
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