(3453) [RUSK to PUBLIC]
Head Quarters Victomia June 17th 1836
Fellow Citizens
You have scarsely had lime lo account the incidenls of your victory over Santa Anna, with his fifteen hundred lroops, until the hoarse bugle sounds the advance of ten thousand of the enemy upon your frontiers. Four days ago they left Matamoras. My spies who had advanced far in that direction, in addition to the annexed information have intercepted the oath which they are required to take an entering the service against us. They swear Lo exterminate us lo theSabine and never return to Mexico, Our cause is sacred and our quarrel just and the Providence of Gou has been signally displayed in our favor. I shall make no appeals to you. You have the choice left-become slaves-fly with the loss of your honor or like freemen rally lo the standard of your country, and drive your enemy or die like men. Make no flimsey excuses-come on and fight like men. All troops who leave the line of march, will report to "Head Quarters" comme11ci11g. by way of Casey's on Lhe Colorado until otherwise ordered. The information alluded to is letters received from Maj. Miller, Cap~, Teal & Carnes who are confined in Matamoras. They write me under date of the 9th and 10th that Felisola's army about half way between Rio Grande and the Nueces have been hailed and are marching back Four thousand new recruits has taken with the lir1e of march from Matamoras to join him. Urrea was commander in chief. Four thousand troops were to embark at Veracruz for Texas. The signature of Captians Carnes & Teal are both known to me and for their verasity I will answer with my head. Thomas J. Rusk Brig. Genl. Comg.
Thomas J. Rusk l3rig. Genl. Comg.
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