June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

most wanted. The first the Greys from this City who gained immortal honors, and the other the detachment of 21 with the 2 pirrcs of cannon used so effectually in the Battle: of Sun Jacinto. The ammunition by Gent Gr<~en, he alone, must answer for, as I had' nothing to do with it. Great astonishment has been expressed, in the City on seeing a letter published in this clays Bulletin dated Velasco June 4th signed by HA. Hubbel which shews sy mloms of rebellion, against the Government. When a Government is formed, the people are certainly bound lo obey that Government, and I regret exceedingly that any difference should take place at. this time, when all the Harmony possible is required lo settle a peace on a firm and lasting foundation. I have listened lo a great many opinions, the majority of which ate that Santana should be kept until every security can be had from the Mexican Government for a (aithful performance of any arrangement he may suggest, and as no dependence can be placed on the promise of the !Vlexican Soldiery, Santana of all men should not be trus:ted. In reply Lo these opinions I have always said that the opinion, I had formed of the Government of Texas forbid the Idea, tha1L any advantage could be taken of them, either by Sanlana or any other Mexican. The Volunleers by the San Jacinto have provisions I believe for 3 or 4 months I have the honor lo be: your Obt Servt. Edward Hall purchasing Agent for Texas N. B. If any more men are wanted for the service, I hope you will advise me, and If I have the means, I wiU send you all you want. E. H. [3451) [LAMAR to HOUSTON] (John T. Lamar, Camp Georgia .on the Chatahoochie, to Sam Houston, June 17, 1836, congratulating him aincl stating: "The victory was so complete, and the contrast of the l•Dsses on each side so great, that very few would believe the report, bu~ a co_r• respondent, al Washington City slates,that Genl. Jmckson _smd ~e did believe it, because he knew Houston ... the town was 1llummated ... and greal rejoicing prevailed all night after th1e reception of the news. ..." Also slating: "J had made arrangements for money stifficicnt Lo equip & bring to Texas 1500 men-hut the com-


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