feel that I have been intcrrcrccl with, in some way or other, in complying with your wishes I have the honor Lo be you Excelencies obl Scrval Edward Hall (34501 [HALL lo SECRETARY OF WAR]
New Orleans June 17, 1836
To the Hon The Secy. of war Dear Sir
In the newspapers I have forwarded to the President you will rind a notice from the commissioners, Messrs. Grayson & CoJlingsworth, about the arrangements entered into, between the Government and Santa Anna, to suspend further hostilities, followed by a remark that day two detachments arrived from up river and more are daily expected. I therefore inserted another notice, that il might be dislcnclly understood that the present situation of the country would not Justify Lhc encouraging more Volunteers, and that emigrants to cultivate lhe land were only wanted. We are called on conlim1ally lo furnish means lo even supply the wants of those already engaged, in service, we have told applicants, lhal If they could pay their own expenses they would be well received. Many have come from 800 to 1000 miles and having exhausted all their means, it is hard that they should not be furnished, many of them having started previous to learning that the Victory had been obtained. The proclamation respecl'ing commissioning officers without men, was copied and sent lo Genl Chambers, immediately on my arrival, and the Gen! seems anxious to obtain the number already, which he expects to augment lo 1100 men. A complaint has been made about the Powder. I, as purchasing agent, (if there is any thing wrong) am the one to blame. I can only say that the first purchase made was from Mr Toby after Col John A. Wharlon had engaged it, an<l all since has been bought by sample, as every body else buys it, and if any deception shaJI have been practised, evidence of it will obtain redress, and for that evidcliCC, I must look lo !hose who use it. As an evidence that I could have had no other but good motives iu this affair, I charged no more than I gave for it and 1 haYc tak<'n two ,1,!tachmcnls of volunteers Lo the country when they were
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