June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

$25,000 of Lhc Government paper und,~r protest (unless means are supplied to meet il) and about $15,000 of floating demands jn addition. These facts will urge strongly upon your Excellency the necessity of immediate allention or the public credit, The unauthorized publication or .Mr Hall alluded Lo above has had a highly injurious effect, having brought out several papers against the cause. For more particular information we refer you to S. F. Austin, whose opinion is valuable from the high consideration in which he is held by the people and Government of the United States. I have the honour lo be &c Yours Respectfully Wm Bryan Agent for the Govt of Texas [34481 [COOKE to COOKE] Natchitoches, (La) 17th June, 1836. Dear Father: l wrote you hastily from New Orleans, stating my intention of visiting you in a few weeks, but, at the request of Genl. Houston, I am induced Lo remain with him until he recovers from his wound, which, I hope, will be in the course of a few weeks. I left N. 0. in company with lJ1e Gen'I. on the 6th ins. for Nacogdoches, (Texas), and arrived at this place last evening. I met with Robt. Mackay, Wm. Dunbar, & Doct. J. Herndon (formerly of Fred.g) at Alexandria, a very flourishing town on this river. They are all doing well. R. M. has an apothecary store combined with a book establishment. He states that his business is very good, and I have no doubt he will succeed. The papers have, ere this, given you a full account of our last victory over St. Anna. The last intelligence from Texas slates that the enemy have all left the country. I think it will be their last effort to subdue it. I shall continue to write to youfrom you freguently. When you write address to Major Wm. G. Cooke, Te"-'11S Army, care of Gen'l. Sam Houston, Nacogdoches. Give my love lo all my relations and friends, and believe me lo be truly. Yr. affectionate son, Wm. G. Cooke


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