Agency of Texas New Orleans June 17th 1836
To His Ex. D. G. Burnet President &c Sir
We have none of your Excellency's favors to reply lo. Since our las! the Inclenpenclence has arriver!, we ha, 1 e paid her crew & also lhc crew of the Liberty, and have advanced One thousand Dollars to the officers of the two vessels, they are now being fitted out, and will leave in a few days. It will require aboul Eight thousand Dollars lo equip them. Gent Austin has deposited wilh us Five Thousand, ns part of the amount, the Balance I shall advance. By the San Jacinto, you will receive 100 recruits, they had determined al any rate lo proceed, and were despatched by lhe advice of Mr Grayson. 1 am anxiou~ to ascertain from the Executive if it ia advisable to forward more men, there are here and expected about 300, to compel them to return would create much dissatisfaction, & to forward them in the present state of our funds is impossible. Mr Hall has put a notice in the paper signed "Texas Agency" that no more men were wanted, it was done without my knowledge, and he was nol authorized to do it. Not being connected with the agency I disapprove it, still I should be pleased to have the decision of the Executive as lo forwarding Volunteers. Col Triplett deposited $5000, with this Agency for public use, but on learning of the commissioners, that Lhe cabinet had directed a letter lo me which might be construed in to a dismissal, withdrew $4000 of the amount, his letters in which he is pleased to express his entire confidence in me will fully explain his motives-My present situation with large responsibilities daily increasing, dunned and harrassed rrom morning lo night with demands against the Government, is one painful and unpleasant, apparently deserted by those I have but loo faithfully served, the only available means (the sale of public Lands) placed in the hands of others, I am aJmost discouraged. Still 1 shaU continue my exertions under my appointment form Mr Triplett, and rely cofidently upon the Executive lo sustain me. I mean that my actions shall speak louder than the influence of others. By the time I can have a reply lo this communication there will be
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