lo Messrs Toby & 13ruthcrs, and not lo the agents. Justice to your agents re<1uires; !hey should not he censured for the 11011 execution of thaL which they have received no orders Lo 1~xccutc. In my own justification however, l will name t.he circumstances under which il was received. A copy which l believed Lo be authentic (wilhoul your signalur), was handed by a stranger before ~Ir Halls arrival. I had it placed on Lhe "Bulletin Board" for puhlicaLion, where it rem.iincd nearly all clay, and was removed al the urgent solicilalion of many of the strongest friends of Texas, all of whom will give certil'icates .of the fact if rcqueslecl. Copies or rather statements of its contents were sent by me lo Genl Gn:cn & Genl Chambers. l am fully conficlenL thaL had it been published before the departure of Gen Green, his expedition would have been almost entirely broken up- Your Excellency al a distance cannot judge of public opinion as clearly as those present. It was received al the darkesl period of your affairs, had the Battle of San Jacinto been lost, the force broughL by Cen Green would have proved the salvation of Texas; Should your Agents be condemned (allowing the non publication a faull, which I deny, having received no orders lo publish it) for doing that which the unanimous opinion of the friends of Texas here in a great measure compelled us to do? After Lhe departure of Gcnl Green it was refused publication by two papers, & published by two others, one of which has an extensive circulation. In making this explanation which I have Jillie doubt will prove fully satisfactory, I wish your Excellency distinctly lo understand me that l do not do it with a view of inducing the ExccuLivc Lo continue me in office, but to justify myself against reports, made Lo me; I have Served the Cause of Texas to the best of my means and ability. l have affected my private credit Ly s9 doing. The Government have it in their power to support, or sacificc me, whatever may be their decision, the people of the United States & the Texonians who h.ive visited N Orleans will do full justice Lo my motives. r have full confidence in the honour and justice ol' the Executive. 1 have the honour lo be Yours Rcspcctfully Wm Bryan Agent
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