June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


Ag<'ncy of Texas New Orleans June 17111 1836

To his Ex D. C. Burncl Prcsidenl &c Sir

By ~kssrs Grayson & Collingsworth, I reced. a lt'll<~r from the Secretary of Stale, slating lhal by direction of the Cahi11cl, ( wns TC(JUCsted lo slop Ill)' functions as agent for Texas. l understand lhc order lo relate lo the orfice ol' Cc.-:neral Agent, having been subsequently appointed by Col. Tripfol, as purchasing Agcnl at New Orleans. My reasons for this construction are, my responsibility personally, & morally, amounts lo Eighty thousands Dollars up to dale, lo change the agency without providing means lo meet that large amount, would prejeclice the puhlice creditors against the Governments, and Lotally destroy the influence of any future agency. Had the letter of the I-Ion Secretary, bee accompanied with a guarantee to meet my large re_sponsibilities, I would cheerfully have resigned my appointment under Col Triplett. But in the present crisis to abandon those who have credited the Cov't, depending upon my honourable conduct toward them, would be disgraceful to me as a Merchant and a man. There never has been a period when the Agent had more responsibility than al present, suits are now threaghtened against the public Vessels, even upon a rumor of a change of the agency. I have a right lo claim of the Government protection against my liabilities. When that protection is granted the slightest allusion \\~II bring my resignation. I place the utmost confidence in the honour and justice of the Executive, and feel fully confident that truth and fidelity to the cause must prevail. I am assured the cause of complaint against me rests mainly on tho non publication of a proclamation, handed Mr Mall in Texas. If your Excellency will refer to your Letter Book, you will find that not a single official communication has ever been sent lo me for publication, and but three private; letters directed lo me 1,y your Excdlcncy, all public <locumenls Lhal have licen indirectly rcccivccl liy me, have been immccliattily published when I have liccn satisfied uf the authenticity. Your Excellency will ulso n:c:ollecl, the official at<:ount of the 11alllc of Sun Jacinto was scnl


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