1 :144:i I l U()NNELL to GAINES!
. Purl J1~s11p, (La.) June! 17, IH36. Sir: 011 (II(' 14th insl,ml J went lo Hol,erl McDonald, Esch a ju:-:tk(· of' th(~ pr.nee for this parish; where, being duly sworn, I louk tlw oallt mark1·d A, a copy of whi<:h I h(•rt~with forward you. This wai,; don<~ for the purpOS(~ of lakin~ out a warranl for the apprcl11•11:;io11 of Manuel Flores. AL the same time J directed ES<Jltin· i\ld)unald lo summon and eause lo be brought to Fort Jt~:mp the following-named persons: Gorham, Munson, JOlm i\loorn, and J. M. i\leclrano, Lhe two last-named Spaniards, in order lo med you by appointment, at noon, on Leh 16th instant, al this place. They all appeared at this place at the ,lppuin Led time, cxcr.pting Medrano, who had gom· 011 business lo Dayou Pierie: he will he hack in a few clays. Having conversed with several gr~nllcnwn frorn Camp Sahinc, and hclieving that you were olh1~rwist! cngagl'd, I proccec.bl to exuminc the wilncsscs; :1nd the docurrn·nls hcrcwilh scnl, marked 8 and C, arc lrue copies of their statements. I have ordered that Medrano be summoned for examination as soon as he returns, as I strongly suspect that he had other business besides looking after land, when he went inlo the lndian counlry. I remain, very respectfully, sir, your obedient servant,
J. Bonnell Isl lieut. 3d infanlry.
Maj. Ccn. E. P. Gaines, com 'ng Western dcpl.
ThP. Spaniard John Moore not being ahle lo speak the English languag,~, Robert McDonald Esq., translated for him, his oath of office being deemed a sufficient guaranty for a correct translation. J. Bonnell
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