June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

written you as he stated in a lelter lo us he wm:ld do so. We made no disposition of the Land authorized, firsl say the 300,000. We remitted lo Philadelphia, for sale 100,000 acres which we have nol yet heard from. We consider the authority countermanded, & have written lo our friends in Philacla advising them of il ln consequence of our heavy engagements, we have been compelled to suspend payment, which we only look upon as Temporary and hope again soon lo resume our business, we shall take great pleasure in aiding you lo Lhe utmost of our abilities, and in furthering your views in sending supplies. Gen! Austin will hand you this & to him we refer you for Lhe parlicular slate of affairs, between this Government and yours, which you will find in quite flattering.- ~lessrs Grayson & Collinsworth left on yesterday as they were not immediately in want of funds. We calculate to remit them lo Washington, So Soon as we are in funds, which will he ample lime for their purposes. Capt Hawkins with the hidepenclence, leaves here ahoul a week hence. We had the pleasure of visiting his vessel yeslcrclay & were much pleased with the struch1re strict discipline on board & the chantriss cleanliness The Sehr San Jacinto also leaves lo day & has on hoard some 80 to 100 volunteers, By her we shipped the ballance of Lhe powder intended for the clsp B May & Very Respectfully Your obl Servls Thos Toby & Bro.

{3443) [URREA to TORNEL]

Ejercito de operaciones.-Escmo. Sr .-La comunicacion que dirijo a V. por separa<lo, con fecha de ayer, lo impondra de que desde cl momento quc me encargue del mando de esle ejcrcito, atcndi a suspender la aprcsurada ·marcha con que evacuaba el lerritorio conquista do al enemigo, asi como de que no fue dado evitarlo, porque la rapidez de su retirada ocasiono que mis ordencs se recibieran a poca distancia de esta plaza, haciendose, por consecue cia, indispensable que Lodo se reuna en clla, para atcnder a la reorganizacion y coleccion de los recursos mas neccsarios para la conlinuacion de la cornpana. Por olra parte,


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