[3442) [.TOBY to BURNET]
New Orleans 16th June 1836
David G 13urncl Esqr Velasco Dr Sir
We duly received your favors 25 ullo 1 & 4 Inst the former giving nn authority from your Government to dispose of 500,000 acres public Land-The scrip is now in the hands of the printer, but will be ready tomorrow for issue, and fr.om the many applications we have had, believe we can dispose of part of it, though at not even rifly cent the acre-we shall use our utmost exertions to effect sales & apply the amount to the purposes it was intended. In some cases we have to be enabled Lo obtain provisions for the Scrip, which musl be much wanted and we shall go on lo execute your order for supplies, also enclosed in yours 25th ulto as far as it is possible-we did expect $5000 Genl Austin brought with him from N York would have been applied to the purchase of supplies, but he found it necessary lo disburse the whole for the Schooners Independence & Lyberty to enable them, to leave here for fem of being attached, and as the Agents are without funds they could not be released. Mr. Triplett left this some days ago and we believe has made no arrangement for funds. When he arrived, we did expeel he would be prepared to furnish means lo the Agents, for the purpose of facilitating, lhe views of your Government-But we discover he could not clo any thing, until he heard from you, relative to the first loan, which in aJI probability would not be for months [many(?) J, weeks to come, and as supplies at this time were much wanted, We made an allempt to sell some of firsl Loan, authorized, say 300,000 acres. which he found out and appeared, very much dissatisfied, acln did nol wish us lo acl Lo this effecl he waited on us and we told him plainly our object al this moment, was to raise funds to furnish supplies as he would do nothing, we should go on and sell the whole of the 300,000 acres if we could and appropriate the proceeds in part lo the Execution of your order for supplies, If he had done any thing we should have been satisfied, but the country might be in a stale of starvation, before he could he.ir from you. We presume he has
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