June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

:Vudre: Bl11JJ:~ , and lr.t them remain tlwr<' for a time, uporl the Land5 of A. C. Allen und E. A. Baldwin Esqrs, and occupy a number of Buildings bclon~ri11g Lo them thcrc.-Sho11ld-(finally) the interest which I have so long nnd so w,1rmly taken in the welfare of Texas be so considered by yourself and the Govcrnmcnl, as lo expedite our Location, I shall be very ~lad, ,rnd shall have renewed cause lo extend my labors and exertions in so good a cause.- Permit me again to solicit your kin<l aid and influence in our behalf:- I am, Dr. Sir, with great Rcspeet R. Salmon. To Gcnl S. F. Austin [3441) [TEXAS AGENCY NOTICE] New Orleans, June 16, 1836 In consequence of hostilities having ceased bet ween the Texian and ~lexican armies; we <leem il fitting lo slate, that al the present time further emignalion to that country of any emigrants, but those intending to settle down as altivatons of the soil, is unn ece:;sary. Our motives in making the slalemenl proceed from a desire to guard against the inhabitants, ancl those already emigrated. heing exposscd lo a wa11l of provisions, which is naturally to be expected from th<" ravages lo " 1 hich Lhc productive districts have been exposed during the lale merciless invasion. T<~xas Agency.

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