June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

f3440f [SALMON to AUSTIN J

New Orleans, June 16 1836

My Dear Sir:-·

l have diligently sought an ir\lervicw with You, during your short stay hcrc:-1,ul, 1101 having been so forlunale as lo find You at leisurc,-cvcn for a few Moments permit me lo use my Pen, and briefly lay before you the following facts, etc relative to my intended Location and Settlement in Texas:-And,firsl , my eff orls for Lhe benefit of that Country, 1.-Thro the medium of the News-Papers, I have re-published all Lhe most valuable and interesting Matter which has appeared relative to Texas-together with many original Articles, for the space of 2 Ycars past, especially thro• the Middle and Western parts of Lhc State of New: York; by which a very general and ardent interest has been excited in its behalf, so that, besides the small Colony which I bring with me, there arc more than JOO F<tmilies in Onondaga and adjacent Counties, many of them being quite independent as to Property, who, if we (pioneers) succeed in effecting our Location, and send back a good report, will immediately follow us into Texas;- 2 I have been the cause of a number of Families emigrating to Texas, who have resided there for some time,- 3.-Also of sending a number of hardy Volunteers (15 or 20 at least) to aid her in the great and glorious struggle for Independence. 4. I wish to settle in your fine Country, on account of the health of my Family-lo make myself useful as a Missionary-and intend, that the Families l take with me shall constitute my first Congregation. The only clifficulty, of moment, with which we now have to contend, is, our long and expensive delay, and especially in a climate where i'leithcr our healths nor Lives are safe, should we be obliged to remain many weeks b~yond the present time:-Moreovcr, I have only ubout orzc f ourlh the means necessary to tTansport these families to Texas; and, have no cerlltirlty and obtaining remittances from N. York 1 sooner than abt 7 or 8 Weeks hence; I am therefore obliged to remain here until those remittances arrive-or until I can, m_ysclf s1u:ceed in raising lhc requisite means to take my People on.- This has- been a sad delay for Us all.- I trust we shall be enabled to go on soon, and be permil1ed to Locate, where at least we shall uc enabled to preserve both our Healths and our Lives;- My present plan-As soon as I can get ready-to lake our people on lo the

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