June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7


State of Louisiana, parish of Natchitoches:

Gorham Munsolll appearing at Fort Jesup, Louisiana, this 16th day of June, 18~16, by summons and being duly sworn, declares as follows: That in the fall of 1835, l think in September, I happened lo be in Spainish town; this man, Manuel Flores, came out of a house and told 1me he was very glad to see me; that he had been hiding out for three or four days; that he was placed in a situation where he wanted my advice; that he had received a commission as Indian agent from the Mexican Government; and that it came to him through the Mexican consul at New Orleans. He accordingly pulled out a document containing three or four sheets of paper, very neatly and compactly ,\Titten , in the Spanish language. He asked me if I could read in Spanish; I said I could not; hut I look it in my hand, looked over different parts of it, and from what little I could understand, (and I can understand a little,) it stated for him l.o look among the lndians and see that.the Indians should not interfere with the writes. I told him the best thing he could do was to go lo the Mexican consul at Natchitoches, and deliv1er his papers up in a public way, and teU the consul that he would not accept of the commission. He appeared not to like my advice. I told him now he had my advice, he might take it or not, and do as he pleased. l told him I did not know why he should lie by so many days to get my advice, and then not take it. I told him lo was in a dangerous situatjon with those papers about him; that he was liable to be killed at any moment, even by his nearest neighbor. He observed that there would be a heap of killing done before he was killed; repealing it over several limes duri111g the conversation. After a little more conversation J left him, and have not seen him since. Question. Did Manuel Flores know the purport of the document you mention? Answer. Yes; he had had it read, and was very anxious for me lo read it; hut I did not understand one word out of a thousand. Manuel Flores. said that the reason of his hiding out was, that the whole nation of Caddo Indians knew that he had the papers, and were after him constantly By his making his threats I


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