tn(•mbt•rs of you Ca!Jinct, against the sending recruiting officers lo tlw Unitrd Stah's whilst this agency if supplied with means could forward you as nwny men as would be req uirt d , it wou Id be very iuconsistanl in me lo have suppressed its p11hlicalion. On the arrival of Col. Triplett as Gent Agent, ~Ir. Bryan's appointment as such ceased. Mr. Ellis was then ,appointed by Col Tripli>lt as his Secretary and haveing been myscl r previously appointed purclwsing agt. Col Triplell yeildiog lo my wishes transfered that appointment of l\lr. Bryan. But as he (Col T) has declined acting, I see not good reason why Lbe ag;ency here, should not be placed on its original footing, viz Mr Bryan as General Agent, and myself as Purchasing agent, nl least 1until the accounts of that agency are adjusted and paid. As all the business of your Govl. in the U.S. (or the principle part of it) must necessarily come through this city, il shews the necessity of having the principle age111cy here, and Col Triplett having determined lo give up his appointment had no objection to a continuance of the agency as esLiablishccl, by Messr Austin Archer & Wharton and when he learned thal Mr Toby was authorized to sell 500,000 acres of Land, withdrew SSOOO previously placed in Mr Bryan's hands for the use of the Government and declared he would "have nothing lo do with Lhe business" and left the city. I hope your Excellency will determine and advise me as soon as convenient who you will recognize as Gent agent and who as Purchasing agent for the Government, and I shall be governed accordingly. I have annexed a form for Landi Seri pl, which if others are not adopted I submit for your approval.-The Treasury noles I could nol have engraved in this cily under four months, and then they would not agree to take them in payment, as soon however as the agency is placed in funds, I shall send to New York or Philadelphia and have Lhem done immediately. I indulge the hope tahl the Governmenll will not delay in forwarding Land Script sufficient, for all purposes 1have Lhe honor to be your obt Servl. Edward llall
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