I J,ias J I BLllNET lo i\lOH.GAN I
I lhvid C. Burnl"l lo J.1mcs i\1orga11, June I6, 1836, slating Lhat tww volunltic•rs should procC't·<l at 011cc lo the headquarters or G,~111:ral Rusk al Victoria.]
[3436} [ HALL lu 3UllNETI
New Orleans June 16th 1836
Presid,~nl Burnet Dear Sir
Messrs Grayson & Collinsworth informed me lhal much disastisfaction had bc~en cxpr~scd al not publishing the proclamatio11 on the subjt>cl of mililary appointments received from you Excellency, when at Harrisburg. The following is a statcmcnl of facts, On my arrival, General Cret'.n who was in Lhis city engaged in gathering a detachment of men, fur th,~ sc•rvic~e or Texas, had issued st:veral commissions for officers under his command; lo him an<l these officc~rs I exhibited the proclamation, observing tlrnl it would destroy all appoinlmcnls not i11 accordance with its provisions and proposc·d to General Green i\lr. Allen 1\lr Williams and several others who wc~re present, that as the country required the immediate aid of its friends, lhat we should immcclialely arm ourselves and repair to Lht'. field, without waiting for more men, that delay now might prove fatal lo Lhe hopes of the country and that our prt'.Stmce (though hula few in number) might have a good effecl in such a crisis. This you may judge was lreatcd as idle talk. 1 then said I would publish Lhc proclamalion but these gentlemen protested against it as it mighl :1rfecl the arrangements of General Green. I however fell it my duly, and went lo the offices of our different newspapers lo have il inserlcd. IL was answered, there was too much other mailer lo admit it tht:n, but it would be published al some othc~r lime, l thl'n went lo lhc Editor of a small Sp:rnish paper, who inserted it and after General Green's departure it was puhlishccl by one other paper. Your Excdll-ncy must therefore judge of the cause of ils non publication, with such a hosl opposed lo it. Aftc:r protesting lo your Excclll-111:y and tlw
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