June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

[3433) [BRYAN to AUSTIN]

Agency of Texas New Orleans June 20th 1836

Gen S F Austin Dear Sir

With this we send you n paper g1vmg important information in regard to Mexican movements. I have written to the President enclosing the same paper, urging it upon him to instantly forward, scrip, complete the loan of Col. Triplett or devise some other means lo allow this Agency, lo forward instantly supplies for the people and army. No one now, would take the Agency for New Orleans, an attempt at a change would ruin all, My fate must rest on Texas, and as no one has so much al issue, no one can exert themselves as I shall in forwarding the material lo drive the Enemy from the soil, I need not urge upon you, the necessity of immediate action on your arrival in Texas Wm. Bryan P.S. we have today news from Tampico of the grossest insults offered to the United Stales vessels sent there etc [Addressed:] Gen! Stephen F Austin on board Sehr Union or Velasco Texas [.3434] [BURNET to CHESSHER AND GLENN]

Executive Department Velasco 16th June 1836

To Messrs James Cheshire & William Glenn Gentn.

_I had the pleasure, a few days ago, to receive your letter proposmg to locate one hundred families on the frontier &c. While 1 fully appreciate the importance of your proposition to our frontier and the patriotic motives that prompted it, 1 am constrained Lo decline acting upon it on the ground, that it is beyond the proper functions of this Government to do so. We have no authority to appropriate public lands, except for purposes of revenue, and therefore, however favorahly disposed we may be, it would he impossible to accede to your proposition, Very Respectfully Your Obt Servl David G Burnet


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