[3432) l BLACKMAR lo 13RY /\N j
Cincinnati June 16 L836
Wm. Bryan Esqr
Dear Sir. Co1. Barretl being slill unable lo write has again re<1uested me lo address a f cw lines to together with an enclosure of Texas Treasury orders lo the amt of $125000- Col 8 and Mr. S. P. Hall are joint owners or an Eleven League Grant or Land on lhe Trinily River in Texas purchased of Saml Williams upon which Col. B. is to pay the Govl claims Mr. Hall is now sending Seltlers on in their joint behalf. This is therefore, lo request that you will see Mr. Hall and get him to apply Lhe amt enclosed towards satisfying those claims wltich amounl in all to Sl 250.00 take his receipt for the same and hold it subject to Col B's order and further stale to Mr. H that Col B desires that he wiU pay the Ballance artd he will account with him for the same and in doing so lhal he will purchase government paper to the best advantage. Col Barrett further requests that you enquire of .Mr. H with what notary the original papers are left & upon which their claims are predicated and thal you procure a copy of these duly certified according to which copy together with Mr Halls Receipt for the Govt paper and any money you may have received on his account to forward lo him al lhe while Sulphur Springs Green Briar County Virginia. he also wishes you subscribe for the tri weekly commercial Bulelin for 6 months commencing al the 22nd of J\'lay and have it forwarded lo the same place he intends lo start for the springs on Saturday the 18 inst from which place he will write to you at length as soon ns his strength wiU permit. Yours Respectfully S. Blackmar P.S. please lo request Mr. Hall to write to Col. B. on the subject as far as he may have any thing that mulualy interests them in regard to the same- S.B.- Written by request, read & agreed lo T. G. Barrett Cincinnati June 17th 1836
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