June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

y que lo inutiliza para seguir de pronto la compana, que el decoro de la nacion esta haciendo urgenlisirna. Rcciba V. E. mis considcraciones. Dios y libertad. Matamoros 1 Junio 15 de 1836.-Jose Urrea.-Escmo. Sr. minislrn de la guerra y marina. (3430) [VALENCIA lo the PUBLIC] [Gabriel Valencia, Mexico, to the Public, June 15, 1836, also signed by fourteen other officers, protesting the disparaging remarks about the Mexican army made on the floor of the Mexican Congress on June 13.] 13431] [VICKERY COURT OF ENQUIRY J By Order of Brigadier Gen! Rusk under date June 15th 1836 a Court of Enqufry was held to as to whether the enlistment of C. W. Vickery by Lieut. Howell is or is not a valid Enlistment. The Court being organised & the members duly sworn, after hearing testimony do think that C. W. Vickery is an enlisted soldier in the services of Texas & that his enlistment is valid. The Court however taking into consideration the statement of Capt. Cook taken before the Court would recommend that the said Vickery be discharged from the Regular Army of Texas. Head Quarters June 15th 1836 J. W. Bunton Judge Advocate Geo. W. Poe President


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