June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

you in person the expression of my gralitucle on the part of the people of Texas for your zeal in our cause a~ well as lo have communicated freely wilh you upon the present motive of our affairs The general opinion prevailing that our difficulties with l\'lexico have terminated is ill founded we now as much underale as when l saw you before- We overrated the Enemy and we have but a short period lo organize upon this frontier a sufficient force to meet the enemy in another Campaign where beyond <loubt he will come with redoubled numbers I have received information entitled lo credit that the Government of Mexico have directed Genl Filisola to disregard any treaties entered into with Santa Anna-

l have the honor lo be with great Respect your obedient Servanl Thomas J Rusk

[Endorsed : 1

Gen Rusk To Brigr Genl Thos J. Green. June 15. 1836- ln regard to the Indians-

enclosing order for Col. Smith with 180 men Lo join him in Bastrop-recommends mounted men to fight the lndians- [ 3429]


Ejercito de operaciones.-Escmo. Sr.-En el momenta que recibi la orden suprema que me consigno el mando del ejercito, previne al Sr. general segundo en gefe, D. Juan Jose Andrade, que hiciese alto en donde lo encontraran mis ordenes, y destinase una seccion a reforzar los puntos de) Copano y Goliad, que suponia ocupados por nuestras armas, y con una ecsislencio considerable de viveres. Las mismas prevenciones repeli al Sr. general D. Antonio Gaona, que <lebia que<lar encargado del manclo, al tiempo de adelanlarse el Sr. Andrade a cslc cuarlcl general, a donde lo llamaba para darlc algunas instrucciones necesarias.

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