June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

supersede Genl S:unl Houston as Commander in Chief of the Tcxian Army by the appointment of any other individual. 3rd Resolved, That the Executive Government of Texas be and is hereby requested lo forward to the Eastern Department of Texas copies of the Constitution framed and adopted in Convention in March last, for the perusal and examination of the people of said Department. 4th Resolved, Thal the Executive Government be and is hereby requested to communicate lo the Citizens of the Red Land, every and all intelligence touching the interests and welfare of Texas at large by express untill ~fails can be Reestablished. As no communications or information has been received save only the urgent and frequent calls for soldiers to the field. 5th Resolved that the Primary Judge be requested lo forward the foregoing resolutions to the Executive of the Republic of Texas.

Jacob Garret, Chairman J S Lacy, Secretary



Connandacy of Galveston June 15, 1836


I wrote you under date of the 10th, hy Lieut. Harris informing you that the Exchange and Columbus had been here; fully loaded with provisions, and gone to Cox's Point; which anticipated your order. Lieut Harris left for Velasco and the army to inform you thereof; but, much to my surprise he returned again (torn) the Steam Boat Ocean. Saying that he had chartered her to come here for provisions, (torn] &c he had been informed of what had been shiped and what had been [torn] We had left barely a sufficiency of provisions here for the troops at [torn] and those constantly arriving. But as the schooner Urchin had just [torn] with 300 and odd Bl,ls. Bread, I have concluded to send it in the Ocean. and whaL ever other provisions we can venture to let go though I fear we will soon be entirely out. Lieut Harris had made a requisition for troops as an escort and I have ordered Captain Skcrrit with his Company to go with him. ·


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