June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

contain a lrue stalemenl of the clcclarations of deponents; that they were rcarl, anrl fully undcrsloocl, and l1y them subscribed. In testimony whereof l have hereunto affixed my hand and private seal, (having no seal of office,) this LSth day of June, 1836. James Dunn, Regidor for the municipality of Milam. 13426) [GARRETT ET AL to GOVERNMENT] J\l a large and respectable meeting of the citizens of the Red Land held al S.m Augustine on the fifteenth day of June A. D. 1836 Jacob Garrell was called lo the Chair and J. S Lacy appoi11ted Secretary. The object of the meeting being explained-on motion the following persons were appointed a committee to draft resolutions. (to wit) Jno Thomas, E. 0. Legrand, E W. Cullens, V H Vivion and Shelby Co[r]zine. On motion of John C. Love Esquire the said Chairman and Secretary were added lo the above Committee. Who after retiring a few minutes returned the following Resolutions which were unanimously adopted Lhe snid meeting. Isl Whereas, it has been rumored and is beJicved that our present Executive Government have held a Consultation upon the propriety of releasing Santa Anna and the other Mexicnn Officers who have been captured and ought to be held as prisoners of War and that severnl of the officers of said Government did in violation of every principle of Right and Policy vole lo release s,1id Prisoners-and whereas the said Executive Government have attempted to supplant Genl. Sam!. Houston as Commander in Chief of the Texian Army-Therefore, Be it Resolved that we the People of the Reel Land do highly disapprove of any attempts on the part of our Executive to release any of the .Mexican officers lately impolitic and of dangerous consequences to the Country-and as lending directly lo produce general dissatisfaction and consequent disorder and confusion throughout the Republic of Texas. 2nd Resolved, that we most earnestly dcprt"catc ,my and every attempt on the part of our Executive Government to


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