June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

family and Mr. Slrncklcford escaped: Mr. Crouch ;111<l Mr. Davidson wen~ killed. I assisted, Lhree or four days afterwards, in burying the ckccasecl. Deponent slates further, Lhal he believes ahoul half the Indians who attacked them were Caddoes. Bis reasons for thinking so arc, thal the Caddoes wear shirts, which is rarely done by any of the tribes of Indians who live in Texas; and the Caddoes have a peculiar manner of wearing Lheir hair, by cutting it closely on bolh sides of the head, and leaving a lop-knot, which is most generally worn in a silver tube, and they have silver in their nose. Deponent is strenglhened in the belief that a portion of them were Caddoes, as he recognised in the crowd an old Indian named Douchey, of Lhc Caddoe tribe, whom he well knew. Deponent stales it is diffi cu lt at all times to designate any person, particularly whilst fighting. He believes that it was Douchey, as he shot cross-fire-a manner of shooting peculiar lo Douchey. And further this deponent saith not. Daniel Munroe Montgomery B. Shackleford, a witness, being sworn, deposes and saith that, on the 1st day of June. the Indians, after a portion of them had left the house of Mr. Munroe, pursued his company, (who were about one mile and a half or Lwo miles from Munroe's,) which consisted of Mr. Childress and his family, Mr. Crouch, Mr. Davidson, Ezekiel Robertson, John Beal, and John Hutson, William Tyler, and Rhodes. The Indians they discovered in a breast in a prairie, with a red flag hoisted. When they approached within two hundred yards, they divided, one half to the right, the other half lo the lefl-passecl us shooting at us-and pursued and killed Crouch and Davidson, who were some three hundred yards ahead of us, before they could gain those of us who were near the wagon- made our way to some limber that was near. The Indians drove off our cattle and took one horse; the balance of the company escaped wilhoul further injury. Oeponen L stales he is well acquainted with the Caddoe tribe of Jndians; he knows them by their dress and manner; that a portion of those who attacked them were Caddoes; the balance, he believes, Kichies, Towaccanocs, and Whacocs. Further this tleponent said nol. M. 8. Shackleford. I, J;imes Dunn, rcgidor for the municipality of Milam, certify that the foregoing depositions were taken by my au thority, after the depontnts were duly sworn according to law; that they


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