can Spare- Meal especially and Salt will be rccp1ircd
Your ohL Servi David G Burnet Should Col Huston have adcqualc of lransporlation You ,viii commit lo him all the arms and the ammunition that were securely brought from San Jacinto, to be deposited at Harrisbur1r where they will he less liable Lo decay and injury than the humid atmosphere of Galveston If there are any other superfluous small arms on the .Island, send them also
Your oby S David G Burnet
[3425 J
Republic of Texas, Jurisdiction of Milam,
Robertson's Colony, June IS, 1836. This day personally appeared before me, James Dunn, regidor, of the municipality of Milam, acting in the place of the alcalde, Daniel JVJunroe, who being duly sworn, dcposelh and saith that the following is a true and correct statement of recent hostilities which have been waged by different tribes of hostile Indians against the citizens of the abovementioned colony. Depone1Jt states, he was residing on Little river, in Robertson's colony; that on the first day of June, 1836, hearing that the Indians had, on the 19th of May preceding, taken Parker's fort, on the Nancdolla. also, in Robertson's colony, had killed several persons, and taken much property, he was preparing lo move to Nashville, on the Brazos, with a view of forting: he was, whilst in the act of moving in company with Henry Walker and William Smith, attacked by a number of Indians- he supposed about 50 in number. They used guns, bows and arrows, and spears. Whilst defending themselves in their house against the lntlians, William Smith was shot on the outside of the door through the leg, by a rifle ball. They shot and killed deponent's horse whilst tied lo the house-killed ni,rny calllc-drove the balance off-and plundered a wagon. About half the company of Jndia11s rcmaim•d near the house shooting al us, whilst the other half procceclcd about on~ mile ancl a half c.Jislanl, ancl ntlnckccl Mr. Chilclress and family, ~Ir. Shackleford, Mr. Crouch, nnd Mr. Davidson. Mr. Chil<lrl'ss and
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