either purchns<:d or press'd, Cash advanced, and services actually rendered lhc public. Those of the 2nd Class are Claims for property dislroycd by orders of Mililary officers to keep it from lhe Enemy, and prevenl disorganization in our Army. The 3rd Class of Claims, arc those that have been raised by individuals for property thal has been distroyed, or taken by the Enemy after having been abandoned by the owners.---- The 2nd & 3rd Class of Claims I have determined Lo file in the office for adjudication of a future Congress, unless otherwise by you directed.- A II of which, 1s Most Respectfully Submitted A. Brigham
[3422] f BURCH lo RUSK]
Victoria 15 June 1836
To General Rusk Brig. Genl. Sir
I proceeded on the mission lo arrest several persons who were stealing horses & mules from the army & was unsuccessful but I caught several persons whose names and residences are offixed who I arrested in the act of driving of a large drove of cattle belonging lo cilizens of Texas.
I remain dr. Sir Your obt. servant W. M. Burch
Samuel McCulloch Navidad A. Smith buffalo bayou Abram. Roberts do Alex Burnet do Thos. Rees at McCullochs Navidad John Reylons Navidad Wm. Kelly brazos Jno. Kelly brazos {Addressed:] General Thos. J. Rusk General Commandent
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