June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

I . l ' I I I, ' I I :

13421] (BRIGHAi\l to HARDEMAN]

Velasco June 15th 1836

The Honorable Bailey Hardeman Secretary of the Treasury Sir,

In conformity with the existing law l hereby exhibit you the amount of claims on Government that have been audited and drafted for, on the Treasurer, since May 14th to 15th of June

! l I I

instant. (inclusive.) Military Expences Civil Expences Contingent Expences

$2,662.78 752.50 153.87

$ 3,569.15 46,530.95

Amt. of Govt. debts March 10th 1836 Deduct 4 drafts drawn on the Treasurer in favor of G. Cole for 25$ each & one in favor of D. Ayers 6$

$50,l 00.10

l 06.00

Amt. of Govt. debts to June 15th which accrued prior to !\'larch 2d 1836


Amount of claims created subsequent to the 2d of .March 1836 and audited since May 14th lo 15th June Inst. (inclusive) drawn on the Treasurer for Military Ex.pences $11,277.43 Civil Expences l 72.50 Contingent Expences 11.00 Navy Expences 32.00

' I I · I I I l ' I •

11,492.93 Amt of Govt. debts audited 15th June 1836 ........ $61,487.03 Very RespectfuUy I am Your Obt. Servt. A Brigham Auditor P.S. I find deposited in this office, Notes against Sundry Individuals amounting lo Nine Hundred fifty five Dollars & Ninety nine cents 8955.99 which are lo be applied towards liquidating the claims of the same individuals against Government.- I wish further to remark, that all claims, that has as yet, been Audited, are of the first Class, and created for Property


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