June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

(3287] [JACK to WEST]

Department of Slate Velasco 4th June 1836

John K West Esq. Pres. La. Stale Ma. & Fr. In. Co. Sir

1 am instructed, by his Excellency the President Lo ac- knowledge Lhe receipt of your communication under dale of 16th ultimo. In reply to which I am instructed to say, that owing lo unavoidable accidents it has, up to this period, been absolutely impracticable Lo have a trial as to the prize Pocket. The case is now likely to be determined in a short time, and so soon as that event occurs, you shall be furnished with a copy of this record, on application to the proper officer. I have the honor to be very respectfully Your Obt Servant Wm H Jack Seery. of State (3288) [RUSK and DEXTER REPORT) La Bnhia June 4th 1836 On our arrival at this place we found no difriculity in discovering the ground where Fam1in and his gallant Band were shot hy order of Santa Anna. l\fost of their Loclies were burned, yet there were many hones and some entire skeletons scattered over the plains for some distance. It had long been determined that as soon as practicable after the arrival of our army here, their remains should be collected and a clay set aparl for their burial with all the honors of War. Accordingly on Wednesday the 1st inst Gen. Rusk issued the following order As a token of respect as well to the memory of the men who feJI here a sacrafice Lo the treachery and Lad faith of our enemy, as a duty which we owe to the relations of the unfortunak deceased and ourselves. IL is ordered, Thal the Skelton$ ,mcl bones


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