gcfcs del cjcrcito, por ser esto en un Lodo conlrario a la huena disciplina y s11bordinacio11 militar. - Tcngo con esle motivo a satisfaccion de rcproclucirle las prolestas de tocla mi consideracion. - Dios y libcrlacl. Campo en Santa Rosa Junio 14 de 1836. - Vicente Filisola. - Sr. general D Jose Urrea. [3419) [RUSK to MORGAN J
Head Quarters Victoria 14th June 1836
Dear Sir
I have been so much engaged that 1 have nol had Lime to ,nile even to my wife. I have performed an unpleasant campaign rendered so by being bound down by a disgraceful armistice and by what 1 conceive to be a wretchedly weak policy pursued wi Lh Santa Anna by the Cabinet I have had to lake some pretty high handed steps which were justified however as I conceived by the circumstances it is all important 1ny dear Colonel that a force should be concentrated here between this and fall as no doubt remains we shall have another Campaign against us before we wake up again. I would write you more at length but have not time I would like to have Turners Compauy out here if you have a sufficient guard without them all Lhe regulars should be here if possible J have the honor Lo be with great respect your ohedienl Servant Thomas J. Rusk (Addressed:] Col. James !\'!organ Galveston lsland Texas [Endorsed: 1 Recd. on the 17th July 1836.
[3420) [HUNT to LAMAR I
Schooner Flash Port of Galveston 14th June. 1836.
Honhl. M. B. Lamar. My very dear sir:-
1 wrote to you on my arrival here hut have been informed by the Gentleman in whose charge I placed the letter that he has lost iL and as this Sehr. is on the c,:c of departure for Orleans 1 have
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