June 4 1836 to July 21 1836 - PTR, Vol. 7

13417) [CADLE Lo LAMAR!

June 14th. 1836.


I have been remover! from Galveston Island, under an appointment from Genl. Thos. J. Green - He has left here without furnishing me with lhe means, even lo join my former post! This condu<;t, is lo sny Ihe leasl, remarkably strange; in one prof cssin~ lo be a mililary characlcr. - Genl. Green would nol, I am confident, treat me in the manner, as staled abovt~, unless under the influence of an ignuranl staff. I apply lo you for advice, requesting to know the proper c.:oursc lo pursue. I do this knowing your character & the estimation in which you are held by the Army generally. To. With the greatest Resp't, Col. Your Ohdt Servl 'L M B. Lamar Joseph Cadle Present Adjutant. Brazoria June P. S. It may be necessary lo stale, that f npplied to General Green for orders - He slated in reply, that l would not be required lo perform any duty till l arrived in the field. - I understand that you have res'gd yr office; still I should Le much obliged to you for any information, directing me in the proper course. Yr.

&c, &c, J. c.

[Addressed : l To, the Hon'ble. M. B. Lamar, Present.

(34181 f Fil.ISOLA to URREA l

Ejcrcilo de operacioncs. - Ha sido en mi podcr la nota de <lei prcscnte, conlraida a manifcstanne s11 dcsaprol,acion respeclo del movimienlo que d ejcrcilo de mi actual mando sc ha vislo en la nec,!sirlad de emprcnder; y aump1e pudiera en contcslacion manifcslarlc los cquivocos que parlece, y lo poco solidus de las razones en que su cilada dcsaprol,acion sc funda, lo omilo p,mt ocasion mas oportuna. No p11clicndo menus entre la11to quc clcsaproharlc la remision de copias de dicha nol,1 ;1 al~lHlOS otros V. S. fcchu I. -


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